
January 8 @ 7:30 PMCover the BIBLE in 90 days

Embark on a life-changing journey in 2025 as we fast on the word of God by covering the Bible in 90 days. Jeremiah 15:16 declares I found words and I ate them and it became to me the joy and the delight of my heart. Beloved there are nutrients found in the word of God for every area of your life and the Lord has commanded us as a Ministry to fast on the word of God, and the benefits of his word will evident in your life. Join us beginning January 8th and every Wednesday at 7:30 pm as we explore Scripture together, uncover timeless truths, and grow in faith. Whether you’re new to the Bible or a seasoned reader, this study will inspire and transform your walk with Christ.

cover the bible flyer


January 18In His Presence Conference

What other way to begin the year than in His presence. Experience the power of God’s presence at the In His Presence Conference! This transformative event is an opportunity to worship, pray, and encounter the Holy Spirit like never before. This conference will ignite your faith and renew your spirit. Come expecting miracles, breakthroughs, and a fresh outpouring of God’s love.

Press Conference flyer